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Click & Read the LAST LINE 👀
Click & Read the LAST LINE 👀
Ramadan Mubarak! May Allah سبحانه وتعالى grant you the strength & ability to utilise this precious time to engage in that which pleases Him (say Ameen). Let’s make the goal this Ramadan to break at least one bad habit and replace it with a new good habit. It is said that it takes 3 weeks to break or gain a habit and Ramadan is 4 weeks, use your time wisely. ⏳ 👉 Be more punctual on what’s obligatory or do a sunnah that you haven’t done and keep it consistent. Narrated by `Aisha: The Prophet (ﷺ) was asked, "What deeds are loved most by Allah?" He said, "The most regular constant deeds even though they may be few." He added, 'Don't take upon yourselves, except the deeds which are within your ability." [Bukhari 6465] How do I even break my bad habits? 1) Make the intention: Pray that Allah guides you and helps you in your goal to break your habit during this time of accepted prayers. 2) Stay away from things that may trigger the habit: For example, not opening TikTok because you’ll know you’ll hear music. 3) Try to stay occupied: Get involved in the community, listen to a beneficial lecture, read Qur’aan, engage in more istighfar. 4) Take it one day at a time. Sometimes breaking a habit or giving something addictive up forever can be a hard concept to wrap our heads around. We convince ourselves that staying days, weeks, and years away from something will be impossible. So don’t worry if it’s hard to break the habit at first. And if you’ve reached this far… 👏 Make sure to add me on Instagram where I’ll be sharing more content for you and alllll the extras just like the trip below 👀 |